How Do Antimalarial Drugs Work?

How Do Antimalarial Drugs Work?

Antimalarial drugs stand as a crucial line of defense against malaria – a life-threatening risk to millions around the world.

These drugs work by disrupting the complex life cycle of plasmodium parasites at various stages of the parasite’s development, thus preventing their ability to replicate and cause the characteristic symptoms of malaria.

While some drugs interfere with the parasite’s detoxification process causing it to die from toxins, others induce radicals, inflicting severe damage to cell membranes. Beyond treatment, antimalarial drugs play a pivotal role in prevention.

As research and development in the field continue, the quest for new antimalarial drugs remains ongoing. The goal is not only to improve treatment outcomes but also to address challenges such as drug resistance and the need for accessible and affordable options in resource-limited regions.

At Prince Pharmaceutical Co Limited, we manufacture and distribute an antimalarial drug branded Prinaquin Syrup. Each 5ml of this syrup contains Quinine Bisulphate, equivalent to Quinine 50mg.


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