
Our company will consistently provide quality products and services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers. We are committed to involving all employees through quality management system in order to have continual improvement in performance of the company with focus on excellence.

Prince Pharmaceutical co. ltd promotes compliance and acts in accordance with the highest ethical standards through the development, implementation and continuous enhancement of policy, processes and thereby maintains the trust of society and enhances enterprise value.

As registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Tanzania we ensure our safety protocols are in 100% compliance with regulatory standards and global best practice. Our facilities comply with the national cGMP as required by the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA).

Our team have a high level of expertise in medicine knowledge which fostering customer requirements linkage and ensure operations are carried out in proper sequence and work together to execute the following process but not limited to the below listed process:

  1. Drug development
  2. Product Testing/ Analysis
  3. Documentation 
  4. Validation / Qualification activities
  5. Vendor Qualification
  6. Pharmacovigilance activities
  7. Post Market Surveillance
  8. Handling of customer complaints
  9. Training staffs to their coherent duties
  10. Approvals for product release to the market 

Health & Safety

We are firmly committed to our workplace health and safety policy, enabling all work activities at Prince Pharmaceutical co. ltd to be carried out safely and with all possible measures taken in such a way that all system does not constitute a risk to the health, safety and welfare of our employees, customers, visitors, and anyone else in the surrounding area who may be impacted by our activities.

We are committed to ensuring we comply with the law, regulation, guidelines and any applicable codes of practice and Tanzania standards as far as possible.